Nothing like Raising a Child 🌸

Tree 🌳 of  Life : Is the Breath of a Child.

We learn to be protective, decisive and get aged by raising them joyfully 🌸
Can we raise them with the characteristics of a glorious Tree 🌳?

Yes 🐣 but how?

Society way of Raising a Child;
Usually expose children base on market popularity.
Or introduce something for survival skills.
At this point some will excel and some will not.
It’s a norm.
Every child is born with a destiny, it’s parents duty to find it and make it real for them.
Pushing towards the society talks is a waste of time, everyone gets exhausted 😩.

Glorious way of Raising a Child;
Recognise their inner strength, naturally what are they good at because some are born with talents & some are not, so avoid pushing too hard it only leads to resistance.
At any moment of time discipline should be tactfully placed, therefore the child will understand their actual greatness.
Kids are kids, being playful, forgetful and stubborn is what they are. Parents can nag or reprimand but make sure to patch back. This is important because a child may feel guilty over the incident happened so that’s the right moment to instil values.

Parents need to practice lots of Patience.
It’s a long process, tell me about it.

So good luck πŸ˜‰
Lord Shiva’s best wishes to all.
Oum Namashivaya Namaha πŸŒΈπŸ™πŸ½


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