Colours of Life

Gratefully writing ✍️ about my own experience 🌸

I was brought up in a Malay community, living in government quarters as a family.
Gloriously was exposed to various culture and background.
Language and making friends was never a barrier to me.
I picked up Malay even though we speak Tamil at home.
Our beautiful Mother, Rajambal won’t understand Malay, so my bothers and me used to do lots of gossiping in Malay knowing Amma “tak faham” LOL 😂.
Poor mother, until today we have that habit.

Memories become so colourful once you cherish them.
As how my early life looks so sparky, now seeing it from my middle age.

Certainly, we all live in a colourful society and every second there’s birth or death. A deep truth of life where we joyfully welcome a newborn and tearfully send off the loved ones.
Human life cycle obviously aimed at limited period of time.

Love yourself by doing what you want.
Believe all the instincts and the signs that pops up within you.

Treat yourself to make sure the reward reaches your heart.
Never accommodate to others opinion to change any part of you.
Others may have their very own reason to react in any discomfort manner.
Drop them along your way and only care to keep those who count their days just to meet you.

I have a dear friend who have cooked a special vegetarian meal just for me, and kept her whole family waiting while she runs out just to make sure I eat it while its still hot.
It brought tears in me, every spoon full of Vegetarian Loh Mai Kai that I ate, I gave my full blessings to her and her family.

Lord Shiva witnesses all.
Oum Namashivaya Namaha 🙏🏽


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